Monthly Archives: April 2019

Pet First Aid Awareness

Growing up, most of us knew where the first aid box was located. Band-Aids, antiseptic spray, pain killers, and some odds and ends were in there along with gauze and wraps. April is pet first aid awareness month, and your pet needs their own box, too! Check out the key things to follow when understanding…

Navigating Dog Parks

If your furry friend is needing some exercise, dog parks can be a great option. Plenty of space to run, play, and wear themselves out. But on the flip side, there are a few things to consider when choosing a dog park. Visiting a dog park should be a choice weighed carefully depending on several…

Threats to Pets: Pet Poison Awareness Month

Spring has sprung – finally! As we’re finally moving into warmer temperatures, more of us are getting outside and enjoying the weather with our loved ones and four legged friends. Spring is also the time to go through cabinets, drawers, and closets to get rid of things we don’t need, stock up on what we…